Tuesday 3 September 2013

Props and equipment

The technical equipment’s that I have used/will be using is a Canon EO5 1100D which is wonderful for filming as it has 18-55mm lens which means I will be able to take extreme close up shots and it will still look clear and professional. The macro setting of the camera can withstand from 0.25-0.8ft which will enable me to take shots and have a certain object/person in focus. There’s also a stabilizing feature so that when I take a video without a tripod the video will not be shaky which will disappoint my audience as it will not look professional. 


I have also used a Vivanco VS 23 model tripod which has helped me a great amount during the first section of my production period as I do not have a steady hand and the tripod supported me to have stable shots. Furthermore the tripod has various characteristics such as the tilting mode, panning and height. These features have allowed me to have a wide variety of camera movements and camera shots. However I am also planning to purchase a tripod with wheels as I would like to have a few point of view shots as well as tracking shot and I would very much like them if they were smooth and not jumpy.

So for the props that are vital in my music videos mise-en-scene are the picture frames which I have bought from Homebase, TkMax and a small boutique. I have chosen different styles and sizes for a various reason. First the size, I will show the largest frame which will connote that their love was one of the most important aspects of their lives and the smaller the frame got the more neglected the relationship was. The style is also another thing I thought about for example, the largest one is very detailed and elegant looking which will signify that they put a large amount of effort into the relationship which has blossomed but as smaller and simpler the style got the less effort they gave to one another which lead to the metal frame which is reflective this frame has a hidden meaning.  The metal frame is also the smallest which will show that their love is dissolving and fading away moreover, the reflective front will also symbols that they will have to reflect on themselves if they want the relationship will work out.


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